You hold the Guinness , I'll hold the tacos !!

The San Diego Comicon is the biggest awesomest show on earth !! If you happen to be an art geek like me and Jesse , that is ! If you find yourself remotely interested in anything cool at all , going to this show quickly becomes very overwhelming ! Just too much awesome rad awesomeness for one mind to grasp !!!!!! Those shots are pretty much all I had time to get of the whole show !!! I was busy ...

Let's just say this ... Making my way through the 200 000 people , in the last two days , I have seen a lot of crazy awesome new and old stuff !! Adding new prints , originals and super rad crazy art and comic books to my collection !! I managed to find Scot Eder (My awesome art pusher) the first day !!! He relieved me of 2Grand , however , made me the Happiest Electric Pick out there !! Thanks to him I scored an original oil from Master Ashley Wood who I got to meet and chat for a minute with !! And 2 original illustrations from Master Dave Cooper's new book !!!! Also managed to hook up with Master James Jean who left an awesome doodle in my sketchbook , making that page one of my new most prized possessions !! Add a few crazy books and awesome hang out time with artists I admire and that's the sum of this year's Comicon !!!!
I recommend it to all of ya out there !!!! It is absolutely the most rad show on earth !!
Here's what I managed to reap this year !!!

More awesome stories very soon , as tonight is the start of some hard core hang out time with the San Diego Artists crew , old and new homies to chill with !!
Most probably some doodles very soon too !!!!
Aw, i'm happy you got to meet some heroes!
And very happy that they didn't disappoint you or anuthing.
Can't wait to see all the awesome crap you bought!
(Ps. we listened to WotW the other day and we missed you a lot!)
sounds awesome evr see the entourage episode where they do comicon
You got to chat with james Jean!!!!!!!
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