... "Is awesome ! It's the best thing ever !! You don't have to spend your life working and coming up with your own personal original stuff ! You just have to find something you like on the World Wide Webs , rip it and say it's yours ! It's awesome !!" - Is no doubt , what some people must be thinking out there !? I mean I , for the life of me , can't understand how anybody can even think like that and think they can forever get away with it but there sure are a few out there !!!

You guessed it ... Today's post is a rant !!! A momentary mental call to arms !! Bear with me here for a minute or two while I vent this rant away ...
I've had a bunch of people use my stuff as inspiration before and that flatters me so much ! It's nice to see ! It sometimes gets a little too close for comfort but then again ... That's how a lot of us out there started ! It's called inspiration !
Then there's some of my illustrations being tattooed by others ! I'm again flattered but then most often turns out to be a mediocre to very very bad copy ! And I can't help but think ... Why wouldn't you just come and see me and get your own personal version of that piece done by the original artist ?? Or if catching up with me is not an option ... Get an original piece from anyone else !! Any original will always be a better piece than a copy (well mostly almost all the time) !!
Then , and this is where I start having a problem with it all , the third category ! When people (tattooers) rip one of my tattoos and tattoo it on someone else !!! I'm pretty happy I've yet to see a half decent job at it but that still triple sucks guys !!!! 1-You're ripping me and making fun of my career dedicated to coming up with unique stuff every time and the fact that I came up with something original and you didn't have too !! 2-You're ripping off my customer who got something no one else had !!! 3-You're ripping any chances tattooing has to ever get respected as an artistic medium !!!
"My customer wanted it" is not a good excuse for not having any professional ethics !!!!!!!
And finally ! This is my favourite one ... Level 4 ! Outright plagiarism ! Just rip someone's web-site and say you did it all ! That's a proverbial finger to anyone who strives to come up with original work anywhere and well art in general !! That's just the worst worst ! It super sucks guys !!! I'd accept any sincere apology from anyone for any of the 3 first levels , but not this one !!! You either live on a different planet , are mentally incapacitated for any reason or are just an asshole ! Thinking you won't get caught and strive on someone else's hard work is probably what this
little Norwegian twat was thinking ! Specially after I politely asked him to stop ripping my stuff (and other's) and still kept at it adding new ones !!!
If you did bear with me through this rant , give a crap about anything I just endlessly ranted about , feel concerned by said general subject and happen to have a "Deviant art" account ... Let
this little shit know it's not cool !!!! (check his gallery pages , your work might be in it too) !
If not ... Let me know what you honestly think about it all !! I would really like to get some feedback on this subject from anyone !!! Artist or not ! If you find a second , I'd love to get a bigger perspective on it all !!! Thanks for taking the time !!!
Don't make enemies with an international spy man !!!

Rant >>>>>>>>>> Over !
Tomorrow ? ... Today's tatzzzap session !!! And then some more about my
new baby !!!!
Stay original !