Ladies and gentlemen ... In today's Plog-post , a book cover preview and answers to a few very pertinent questions asked as of late !!
Here's a sneak peek at what will most likely be the cover of my super awesome book !! I'm 99 percent sure about it all except for alignment and if that remote thing should be there at all ! I'll keep playing with it (and the back part of the cover) until I have to send it all to the printers in a few months !! Have a look !! Let me know what you think !!

Yeah ... I like messy !
And now for the answers part of this post ... Here are a few :
1-(to Mister Monster Sid) : I use pencils less and less nowadays except when I'm traveling ... Much easier to carry around and set up than a full acrylics kit !! These are most of all
Prismacolors ... Check them out !!
2-(to Mister Nic) : Worry not , my good friend !! I miss it a lot and will be back there soon enough !!
3-(to Miss Mathilde) : Come on down ... You're always welcomed !!
4-(to Mister Igl) : Well no buddy ! Crewing a Zorgon interceptor/hunter-destroyer tripod is a lot of work my friend !! No time to play ! Lots must be conquered and/or destroyed !!
5-(to Mister B. Newman) : A very good question indeed ! But yes , you're absolutely right , it just so happens that these machines of ultimate destruction are almost all entirely crewed by Female Zorgon warriors , how very intuitive of you ! As for what they look like ... I can only imagine >>>

Stay focused !!
And to all my compatriots out there ... A tous , une merveilleuse fête nationale !!
Plog ya right back tomorrow for my annual tank parade post !