Second session on this leg, first session on that side!
Destructoghon smashes!!
More on this leg in March!!
Until then... More more more stuff asap!!!
The Northern Front...
Yay yay yay.. More stuffs!!!
So this buddy came down from the Finlands to get this half girl half tank chick doodled into his arm! Loved working on this!! Really like stuff like that! I did my best to go around all the 80's black and gray metal spider skulls and friends and managed to fit her in just right!!
Hope you like!!
Oh and I'm still booking for March in the Europes!! Let me know if that tickles your fancy or what!!
Oh and buy my books... They totally rock! Everyone says so!!!!
Ok ciao!
And then... I turned my buddy Ana into a space explorer...
And then... Here's another one with her drew...
This is actually kind of a test for a super awesome top secret project!
I should be able to start talking about that by the time Spring comes around!
Ok more tats asap!
Hope you all had a great Christmas!!!
Is that a torpedo in your pocket??
This was so much fun!!!
And yes, that's a trildo!
Hey you know what???
Hope you're about to have an awesome one!!
Catch ya later!!
Berlin and Rotterdam are the where!!
I finally figured out the dates for my next Euro-Tattoo-Trip and am officially starting to book them!
Let me know if you're down with any of this!!
Rotterdam: First week of March (2 to 3 dates available / 1 reserved already).
Berlin: Second, third and possibly also the forth week of March (10 to 15 available dates / 5 reserved).
If you're one of the "Reserved" spots, write to me soon so we can figure out your sessions!!
If you're not one of the "Reserved" spots... You should also write to me soon for the exact same reasons!!
If you're in Copenhagen and are waiting for me to show back up there you should know that it has become extremely complicated to organize, way too expensive and way way out of the way for me to go back up there, so far! I do plan on making it back up there one day but I just can't afford it at the moment!
Ask away:
More stuff tomorrow!!!
Space and Stuff...
Number two in Rotterdam round of my last Euro trip...
The invasion has begun...
SO this is a cool piece! We did the lines like years ago and then finally managed to meet up again to continue last October! So it's kind of a hybrid piece... I don't draw chicks like that anymore but it was a lot of fun to fill in (And touch-up the old lines too, of course). So yeah...
More asap!
Oh snap! Christmas is soon!!!
The R'DAM show...
So here we go for more... Yeah... You thought I might have quit by now? Not yet... Not yet...
Here's the very flexible vampire queen of... I don't know where... Just a flexible vampire chick!
Just realized now that most of my pictures look a bit weird from the last batch! But only on the blog... Weird!! Like there's a weird blueish tint to them... No? Anyways... You get the idea!
More asap!! Yup I got a lot to catch up on!
Hope you're enjoying my return to the blog!!
Might have some super cool doodles to show too after I tat-a-catch up and if I have time between two pages of Turbo Drome 2! Did you get number 1?? You should... It rocks!!
Ok gotto run!
Stay real!
Radioactive mermaid...
Right? I guess that's all I could think of for a title for this one!
This was session 2 of... 3?
Hope you like!!
More in a flash!!
Not finished on this one yet but starting to look mighty good already... More in March!!
Intergalactic explorer posing in his intergalactic trophy room!!
More asap!
Lots of day's doings were done last October on my last Euro-tat-trip and well... You haven't seen any of it! Well you might have seen it on instagram but my tattoo shots really totally always suck when I shoot them with my iPhoney... And the stupid square thing... And it's so small... So yeah... This is way better!!!
Here's what happened in Berlin on my first work day up there!!!
Love this thing!!!!
More comin' right up!!
Been foreveeeeeeeerrrrrrr...
How are ya? Well if you're reading this it's cuz you're still checking this blog from time to time. It's been quite the dead blog lately but I haven't given up on it yet!
In fact I am planning to one day soon revamp this part of the internets, squeeze all my blogs into one, fill it with a portfolio and all and make it the official ELECTRICPICK.COM!!
But one thing at a time, shall we... I've been away for so long cuz I just don't have the time!! Books are taking all my time! If you have one or two of them then you understand the amount of time required to put so much epicness into one book! If you don't have any yet, well, it's about time! They fuckin' rock!!
But regardless... It's been a lot of work and no time for anything else up to now! But as expected... With the Christmas orders slowing down for the year... I find myself with a few micro-seconds left and I decided to use them on the blog this time...
So while I'm working on Turbo Drome Part 2 this Christmas, I might actually be able to keep this blog a bit more interesting too!!
I'll start by catching you guys up with so much tattooing I haven't been able to post yet!!!
It all starts tomorrow and you should be able to expect at least one post every day or two until you're caught up!!
I hope all you guys are doing good out there!!!
Post you right back tomorrow!!!!
Couldn't be happier with this!! I really hope you guys like this one as much as I do!!! FAKKEN EPIC SHIT!!!! Stocked, I tell ya!!
Live now on the CR SHOP!!!
Few facts:
TURBO DROME [no way out Part 1 of 2]
The first of two TURBO DROME [no way out] books by Electric Pick
48 pages
25 x 25cm
full colour
25 x 25cm
full colour
ISBN: 978-988-16928-2-5
limited first edition
This thing is so epic-awesome!!!!!
Let me know what you think about it!!
And today is the day Red Box starts being on Christmas special too!!!! Best gift ever! Ok you rock!! I gotto run again but I do absolutely promise some tattoo shots ASAP!!
True story!!!
What a great idea!!!
Here it is from the CR web-site:
"It's that time of year again, already, creeping up slowly just around the corner and here's a little something we came up with that might make it a bit easier this year.
Instead of the usual, slightly insulting, after the holidays sales we're all use to seeing by now, from "Boxing day" to all sorts of "after Christmas" specials, we've decided to try to help out instead of trying to make you feel stupid for buying something that turns up cheaper a few weeks after you needed it. Firstly, we've all decided Clandestine Republic would never have after Christmas sales, as a general thing but rather give you a bit of a discount before, when you actually need it. Being a very small independent business, we really can't afford to offer these kinds of deals on any or all of our inventory but books that were released last year are totally fare game, we all agreed. So here's our first ever Clandestine Republic Pre-Christmas sale and how it all works.
This year, the first edition, special hardcover RED BOX season 1 will be available for pre-Christmas orders from the 1st of November till the 1st of December for $50 US and will be shipped for free, anywhere in the world.
That's a $24 US discount.
Christmas Red Boxes will also be wrapped and ready to put under the tree and all that we ask is that you make very clear in your orders, who the book will be for, helping us avoid lengthy e-mailing confirmation delays.
I really can't think of anything that would make a better Christmas present for anyone this year.
These types of Pre-Christmas deals, I strongly believe, can also totally be expected in the future. "
Also... A bunch of tattoos from my last tattoo trip in the next few weeks!!! Yeah... For real!!
Doodle week finale!!!
Tonight's the last night to order originals or prints of these last few pieces...
...If you like free shipping that is!
Here's the last noodle doodle...
Also don't forget... Sunday the 15th of September (this Sunday) is the last call for TURBO DROME pre-orders!!! There are still a few VIPs and a bunch of regulars up for grabs!!!
Do it!!!
Doodle Week is Awesome!!!
Been doodling away the last few days for no reason other than doodling cool doodles and it totally rocks!! However my workload has cought up with me and after this last one I'm working on today, Doodle Week will sadly have to come to and end...
I hope you like these!!
To cover my epic loses from my last Beijing fiasco, all of these need to go! So if you see one you like, don't hesitate to let me know!
All these (plus the one I'm working on today) are up for grabs either as:
-Originals for 3000 HKD a pop (about 380 US/290 EU/250 UK)
-Hand signed and numbered, 1 of 25, giclée print for 400 HKD a pop (about 50 US/39 EU/30 UK)
And I'll be taking care of shipping costs for all orders until Wednesday night!!
Let me know what ya think!!
Here's what I came up so far in the last 5 days!! One more to go tonight!! Thanks to all yall for the interest and support!!!
Curse of the Swamp Woman!!
So yeah... I was supposed to go up to Beijing for a few days to hurt the locals but a few hours before my flight, I heard back that everyone up there had canceled (Choked, Flacked out)! So... Fuck it! I decided to stay home and cut my loses! But finding myself with a whole week completely open for interpretation... Turbo Drome being finished... I declared this week: DOODLE WEEK!!! To be able to just doodle for no particular purpose for a whole week is pretty much a dream come through!! SO here it is... I'll be doodling away the week (From last Wednesday to next) and will try to finish one A4 a day!
Curse of the Swamp Woman is the first one! Finished her last night and I think I love her!!!!!
So... Needless to say, since I need to cover my loses from this Beijing fiasco... Everything I come up with this week is up for grabs and I'll be giving slightly better deals on originals and prints until next Wednesday!!!
Original can be yours for 3000 HKD -
One of 25, A4 prints for 400 HKD -
No shipping fees until next Wednesday!!
Let me know if interested or just to give me your opinion about what you see popping up here in the next week!!
Ok back to doodle work!!
You guys rock!!
More Turbo Drome news...
Here's the new Hong Kong edition TD poster!! I hope you guys like this one!!!
You can get a giclee print of this sweet super poster at the CR web-shop in 3 different sizes!!!
We've also updated the latest and final printing calendar with all the TD dates you need to know on the CR web-site!! Go check it out!!
And here's a sneak peek at what I've been working on for the last 3 months... Just randomly selected 5 pages so you can have a rough idea of what this TD thing might look like!!!
More to come asap!!
I am planning a quick trip to Beijing next week so that means a few tattoos might appear here as soon as I'm back!!
Stay safe out there!!
Finally!! They have arrived... Here's the new batch of awesome T- shirts I did for Clandestine Republic!!!! Been 5 years since I've done shirts!! Hope you guys like these!! They are totally awesome!!!
Check them out at the CR WEB-SHOP!!! Let me know what you think!!!!!
You ROCK!!!
Just finished this sweet sweet Turbo Drome poster!! What you think?? I love this thing... You can totally get one if you like it too!!
Go to the CR webshop and pick one (there are 3 different sizes and editions and stuff and stuff)!!
Let me know what ya think about it!!
Ok... Gotto run again!!
Stay real!!!
Woah! I've been sucking at this blogging thing lately!!
Terribly sorry but I just can't find the time anymore... I miss it though but been way too crazy busy for the last few months!! This book business is taking all my free time away and as much as I do plan on blogging more as soon as I can... Looking at my future schedule, I don't think I'll ever be able to post daily like I used too!!
I am planning to redux this Plog and put everything under one roof (Shop Blog and Photo Blog)... Just need more time!!!!!! More time!!!!!
Anyways... Just a quick few lines to let you know I'm still alive and haven't abandoned this part of the World Wide Webs just yet!!!
Terribly sorry but I just can't find the time anymore... I miss it though but been way too crazy busy for the last few months!! This book business is taking all my free time away and as much as I do plan on blogging more as soon as I can... Looking at my future schedule, I don't think I'll ever be able to post daily like I used too!!
I am planning to redux this Plog and put everything under one roof (Shop Blog and Photo Blog)... Just need more time!!!!!! More time!!!!!
Anyways... Just a quick few lines to let you know I'm still alive and haven't abandoned this part of the World Wide Webs just yet!!!
Today's the day.
We're now open for pre-orders on EPHK's new epic turbocharged graphic saga, Turbo Drome/No Way Out part 1 of 2.
Here's how it works:
Pre-Orders will be processed through our web-shop starting from today and until the book comes out. The book is expected to officially drop in August. We previously had a date for it at the end of July but a few delays have pushed it back a few weeks and just to be safe we've now set the new release date for mid/end of August.
There are two pre-order options available.
1) An unlimited, signed copy for $20 US with free shipping
2) And a limited to 100, Signed and personalized hand doodled copy for $50 US also with free shipping
Like we've previously done with the Red Box, the book pre-orders will end the day we get the books delivered. Once released, it will be available for $20 US + shipping $8 US (free shipping for Hong Kong and Macau).
More kicks will be announced in the next few weeks.
Having already pre-ordered a book or combining a pre-ordered book with one of these kicks will of course give you dibs and better prices on these Kicks.
The book will be a 48 page, 25cm x 25cm (about 10" x 10")
Printed on rich Woodfree uncoated paper (same as Red Box).
And bound with a thick, matt laminated softcover.
There will be two covers available for the same book.
Cover A: by Electric Pick
and cover B: by the ultra talented Hong Kong comic artist, Little Thunder.
Your cover choice for your pre-orders will be made once we are ready to ship, in August. So you can have the time to see which one you prefer, well in advance.
This book is part 1 of 2 books. The second installment will have the exact same stats (i.e. page count, size… etc.) but with, once again, two different covers (One from EPHK and one from another different artist).
Work on part 2 of 2 will start as soon as part one is released and expected to drop before Christmas.
And you can also expect previews of pages and more sneak peeks in the weeks to come.
Let me know:
Or them know:
if you have any questions about all this madness!!!!
More news soon!!!!!!
Woah... I've been sucking at this blogging thing lately!!! Just too much on my plate! But I have been thinking of reduxing this whole thing to get me to blog more... One day!!! Should even have some tattooings for you in the next few days!!!!
Also in the news...
For those of you who happen to be down with this Turbo Drome struggle of mine... Pre-Orders for said future masterpiece has been set for Monday the 24th of this month (next Monday!!!)
All the info you need will be posted on: on Monday!!!
Mister ROBOTRONICS... (and friend)
The Party animal...
Thank you all for all the print orders from last week's SUPER MEGA EPIC PRINT MADNESS!!!! You guys rock!!! They should all be ready to ship any day now!!! I'll be writing back to everyone to confirm addresses and favourite free prints in the days to come!!!!
You missed me???
Been working like crazy on this Turbo Drome madness and should have some sweet visual sneak peeks for you soon!!
Also still have a few tattoos to post you haven't seen yet… But first things first…
I just decided to make a special SUPER MEGA EPIC PRINT MADNESS sale event thing!!!! Yeah you bet!!
A lot of my pieces never get available as prints or always in super limited sizes and numbers and I just decided to offer a whole bunch of new and old pieces (26) for as little as humanly possible!
So here's how it works:
From tomorrow Thursday the 23rd till Friday the 31st (about 9 days), all of the following pieces of mine are available as prints:
-Most of these have never been available as prints and none of these this size and never this cheap!
-These are all epic quality Giclée prints!
-To help bring down the price I have chosen a paper which is as good as my previous prints however slightly thinner (210gm instead of the usual 310gm)!
-They are all slightly bigger than A4 (i.e. 9x12")!
-These are all signed but not numbered since the only limit on these being printed is the time (until the 31st of May)!
-Each of these are now available for $30 US
(right now 30 bucks is about: $230 HK / €23.5 EU / £20 UK / $30 AUD) + shipping (think about 6 to 8 bucks US, per order, anywhere)
However because of the very tight margin I'm giving myself here, for this to work, I have no choice but to invoice you in Hong Kong dollars (so don't freak out when you see the big numbers on the invoice… It's in HKD!!!!)
-Get 3 of these and I'll throw in an A3 print from a few years back that I just found a box of… (you can choose which one you prefer: The Messenger or Cloudhugger at the bottom)!
-Get 5 and I'll add one of each of these 2 A3 prints!
To order, just write to me: with what you're looking to get and I'll send you a Paypal invoice with shipping!
Here they are:

To order, just write to me: with what you're looking to get and I'll send you a Paypal invoice with shipping!
The messenger...
The Cloudhugger...
What do you think??? Let me know if you have any questions!!!!
P.s. I still have a few Berlin dates for October!!! Let me know!!
To order, just write to me: with what you're looking to get and I'll send you a Paypal invoice with shipping!
Here they are:

To order, just write to me: with what you're looking to get and I'll send you a Paypal invoice with shipping!
P.s. I still have a few Berlin dates for October!!! Let me know!!
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