Also in the news >>>> Am currently going through originals that I'll be posting in the next few days that I will put up for sale ... Really have too many of them and well ... It's christmas and all !! So if having one of my originals up on your living room wall above the roman marble fireplace , next to the stuffed albino lion's head from last year's safari hunt , is something you might have been considering ... Keep an eye on this here Plog for the next few posts !!
Now back to book making !!
Man, this is a unique piece!
Hmmm, I could use something to go with my panda rug though...
ps. unbelievable cozy little town you made there.
Thats just f#*king awesome !
pretty sweet
looooove that forest! reminds me alot of what steve has done with my foliage! nice work!!
Wow... 'smashing' indeed! Really lovely.
Hope you have enough originals left around for me to purchase one all the way from Hong Kong!
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