Finally a few minutes to myself, a few minutes to sit down and take a break from the running around!
None of the millions of things that needs be done have been completely completed just yet but things are moving forward and at a steady pace! Been keeping me running around town for the last few weeks since I got back and as much as I'm very happy to finally put all these plans into play... I can't wait for a full day of painting or just chilling!! Would be nice soon!! But enough ranting... Things are going super awesome and that's the important!!
-I might have found a new home and that's got me super mega stoked!! After just over 11 years of not having a proper home, anywhere... This whole, having a place to put your bags down, a place to call home, is something I'm starting to really look forward to!! More about that as it unfolds!
-I've been slowly booking up at the office too... Slowly and well well spaced out but you can start expecting some super sweet weekly week's doings on a pretty regular basis from now on! Lot's of new awesome pieces to come!
-Book busyness is still a number one priority in more than one way too! Forgive me for staying vague on this subject but things are happening about that and I just don't want to jinx the possible absolutely awesome outcome of said situation! More about that in the weeks to come!!!
-Every few days, me and my photo wizard homie, have a little meeting where I give him a handful of rolls and he gives me the last batch he developed! So every few days I've been having a mini Christmas of super shots! I really can't wait to post all of them on the ANCOM as soon as I can find time but rest assured there are many awesome shots to come very soon! Hope you liked the last batches too by the way!! Some proper NatGeo shots in there!!
-Some sweet mega awesome merch. projects are happening as we speak ... Keep an eye open if you like awesomeness!!!
And finally, I'm truly doing my best to post as regularly as possible but it's just very hard to find time while I'm getting settled and busy running around all the time! I should finally start having more time in the next week or so!! Until then... I'll do my best to post as often as I can!
More asap, until then... Remember to always ...

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