Just thought it had been a long enough time without any doodles up here and at the same time my last sketchbook, is, I believe, my bestest ever to date. It's evolved into more of a painting book than a sketchbook but still with stuff I don't think twice about... Stuff I wouldn't "proper paint". So I chose a few random pages from the boat ride part of this last sketchbook to share with ya. Without the luxuries of a proper scanner however, I'm afraid you'll have no other choice but to deal with these not so great pictures... I'll eventually get them all scanned when I get back to the HK, very soon. Until then... Let me know what you think!

Hope you like...
Stay tuned for more EP-NEWS and random updates of the ever so mysterious operation "Heart of Darkness".
Captain Nick >>>>>> Out!
always the best sketchbook ever !!!
i'm always surprised about your creative megamind sir ! :-)
Amazing stuff Captain Nick! Mind blowing, in fact!
the pure awesomeness!!!
The grey fox rocks!
delightful as always... can't wait to behold them in person real soon!
p.s. HK is still cold. hope it's still like this by the time you roll around!
It's been a while, the Grey Fox whale is simply awesome and the others too, of course, congrats ...
man, these make me rethink what should be done with
a sketchbook.....
to think that for all these years mine (or anyone else i'm around a lot) is just full of tattoo line drawings, thumbnails, and colored pencil sketches....seems boring when compared to page overlapping stories rendered in full color.
of course your life would actually require some adventure to fuel these things.
i see you had to slum it with the marlboro lights....what have things come to?? dont worry HK still rolls with the lucky strikes.
awesome book homie, cant wait to see the real deal!!
these are amazing! the red/blue and black/white ones are my favourites i think. they are all great though!
They're all so beautiful. And i miss you. Also.
Awesome Nick,as always.Love the black and white one in particular
is this now a new level here?nick,two things:
first,your drawings always surprise me in a really good way.
second,no one needs hong kong.
come back now.
sans aucun doute mi-homme mi-machine ...
those are sick! good job nick!!
Thats just, in one word, insane! Loving the colors and imagination. You said 'paint' somewhere but did you really? Or did you use markers? if so, what kind?
I would just like to say that the plane driver will not open the door!! Also...
LOVE the "night", "whale" and the "trompet" Good thing she got her scope on that horn!! How else would she know where to blow, Right?
Miss you...you can come back now.
Pics are sick sir. Really feel the style, well done.
et bam! dans les dents!!!
superbe en tout cas...
tiens, et puis tu me manques un peu... >_>
killer drawings
Really this stuff s off the wall, new levels mate!
awesome dude! always great to see your illustrations.
hope you show up here in europe again soon and hope to get a chance to get a piece from you.
stay safe and keep workin it!
Beautiful. Simply beautiful. I miss our artsy talks - CPH (and I) wish you back here real soon...
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