Now now ... Wait a minute , let me explain >>>
Leaving for 6 months ! Been in serious need of a Scandinavian break for a while now and all this settling down thing that might comfort some , definitely doesn't satisfy me ! At least still not yet ! So much to see ... So much out there ! Have been here "steady" in Copenhagen for 3 years now and that's the longest I've been anywhere ! Started to itch ... So yeah ... I had been dreaming of one day leaving for the fair shores of China for a while ... And as much as I will dearly miss my dear Copenhagen friends ... Now is the time !!
Before you get all excited , here are the facts:
I'm only leaving for 6 months so it's not the end of the world !! Just need a good geographic break ! I will indeed come back to Denmark after this little break ! Will in no way give up my tattoo home of the Conspiracy inc. ! The waiting list for all non started pieces stays the same and will start contacting people for new spots as soon as I plan my return in early July 2010 ! Also , all unfinished pieces will be finished before I leave !! I have more than enough time to finish existing pieces and even fit in a few "one shots" before I'm out ! I will still have a portfolio at the Conspiracy and you can still apply for the waiting list while I'm gone ! So yes I am coming back and 6 months is long enough for me and not that long till I'm back !
So there ya have it ... News of the day !
Please direct all hate mail to : Pick@electricpick.com
For all questions and/or concerns about unfinished pieces : pick@electricpick.com
For all requests to go have a few pints before I leave : pick@electricpick.com
For all other maters : pick@electricpick.com

More news soon !!
That sucks
Nice one, buddy! 6 months goes super fast anyways.
I'm going to Shanghai again around April, might as well come down for a Guinness at HK City.
haaaaa so great! do you need a guest spot in HK? i got the guys i was tattoing out there, they know your plog and so... soooooooooooooo
i am so envy!
so you could tattoo them and make them jumping up to the heaven haha!
small, but funny studio!
dude, so great to read your HK news soon!
I would hate to be your mailbox atm Nick! Anyway, sounds awesome with the trip!
See you there man.
see ya soon! can't wait to get my monkey coloured in!
ben ça y est parce qui part en chine, y nous oublis, pas de nouvelles, bonne nouvelles tu me diras, mais bon, pense a nous quand meme et bonne bourre !!!!
good luck sounds great
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