The "higher moral standards" of the West can easily be confused with the enemy's "careless need for destruction". It all depends at which end of the dropping bomb you're standing...
Too much careless killing these days in the news! Just got saturated in the last few days! Too many bombs, missiles and rounds fired, all for the supposed "good cause" and all for nothing achieved! I wonder what the people who actually make bombs, missiles and bullets think and feel when they watch the news!!
Ok ok ... Sorry about the bummer post! Just one of those days where I should have played Robots at the arcade all day instead of reading about the world! Just for one day!
However, I did read something that made me happy lately! You might have heard but the head honcho of the IMF, the square boss of the squares, the "M-A-N" indeed, Mr.D.S.K. had a hard time keeping his dick in his pants 2 days ago! Now I have no idea what can go through someone's head to decide to try something like that but he did! Then he ran away! Then the poor maid called the Five-O! And this is the part I like, the part I was truly impressed about but in these cases there must be a long line of calls to make for the inspectors concerned. I mean the dirty old man in this case is the head of the IMF and has most obviously enough red tape around him and diplomatic immunity to make even Obama shy! So the calls must have been made all the way up the food chain of people to call when you need to know what you can do against someone like this! And all the way up the calls went until someone... All the way a the top of this ordered ladder of telephone calling food chain said "Bust that motherfucker!" And that makes me happy! I have no idea what kind of person Mr. Strauss-Khan truly is, but no one should be able to run away from the responsibility of such serious deeds! We all know how "important people" get away with a lot of shit too often, how diplomatic immunity can help you get away with murder, how being a government official means the rules you impose on others don't necessarily apply to you! Well in this case they did! I like that!
There's no official way to ever find out who exactly was at the top of that decision making tower on that night but if I ever find out, I'd like to offer that person a free Tat! That's right! ...
In other news... Good night awesome Plog followers!!!! More visuals tomorrow!!
One can only wonder how powerful this man is, but the fucker got busted. And as I've been reading this wasn't even the first time.
man, i need a print of this thing.
apparently the maid is hot!!!! a natalie portman lookalike.. who khan blame him for that..:P
maybe this was an al-kaida-complott !!! cool drawing !
maybe its his power that got him into this mess. ever notice how coincidental these “incidences” are lately? and what harder to prove innocence in than sexual assault? just so happens he was to make the bail out plan for portugal and greece work and now i doubt it will and he was to be the next president of france, but again, he wont make it in time to the deadlines. remember wikileaks? played all over again, it just modern day assassination...
I love this piece Pick... now im inspired to fly to the moon in my mind... Stay Up!
Hey Nick! ;) hope you're dandy over there in HK Land! :) im just wondering how do I go about getting a tattoo from you and when will you be available this year. :) thanks! Peace love and acrylic paints!!
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