Ladies and gentlemen, I am still in Antwerp, still waiting for my ride out of Europe! Here is, as previously promised, a quick operational operation update post for your understanding pleasures, with more details of my adventures to come!
So my contact gladly showed up and the operation "Heart of Darkness" is a go... Here's the deal:
My route, the long way, to Hong Kong will take me through Africa. A new continent I have dreamed of discovering for a long long time now! And I will be sailing there as well. I'm about to embark (any day now) on the valiant "MV Grey Fox", a container liner en route to Durban,South Africa from Hamburg making a stop in Antwerp. I will sail with her all the way down to Cape Town. The approximate date of Departure from Antwerp is Monday morning the 7th of February! And the approximate date of arrival in Cape Town is the 26th of February. I will, once again, I'm very sorry to have to admit, undoubtably be internet-less for the whole of the trip (20 days). I will however, post one last time before I embark with some cool links to help you follow me on this trip while I'm deprived of my Plogging privileges! I wish I had known about such tracking sites for my last trip across the Atlantic!! But this time you'll be able to see where I'm at, pretty exactly and updated a few times a day!
So here you have it! For part 2 of operation Heart of Darkness (yes I just got the book and will be reading it again on board). Part 3, 4 and 5 should be equally as interesting but let's concentrate on one thing at a time here!!
My ride,

More needs be done before I sail away but I will find a few minutes for a quick post just before I leave!!
it's no "dublin to holyhead" ferry but she looks like she'll do, like, matey....
Safe journey, buddy! Keep us updated!
good luck mate, take lots of pics
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