
The T-TENS and the madness of time finding...

Aaaargh! Sorry guys... The hecticness is back in my life!

Haven't had much time lately!!
We're hard at work on Wendy's book project!!! Gonna rock so hard!!! Have a look for yourselves if you're interested in such awesomeness!!! HERE !!!

Also working pretty hard on Turbo Drome (No Way Out - Part 2) these days... That is also gonna kick some serious ass!!!!

Here's some reference work (The deadly T-TENS speed bike sisterhood, intent on bringing down the Go Turbos in Part 2 of the Turbo Drome saga) I did for my buddy Ben Newman who has just started work on the new book's cover B...

Don't miss part 2!! It'll kick so much ass and I truly believe that the work I am doing for this next masterpiece to be my all time best work ever ever!!! True story!!! Few details HERE!!!

Ok gotto run again but I should have a few tats for you soon!



Anonymous said...

this is legit

