Haven't had much time lately!!
We're hard at work on Wendy's book project!!! Gonna rock so hard!!! Have a look for yourselves if you're interested in such awesomeness!!! HERE !!!
Also working pretty hard on Turbo Drome (No Way Out - Part 2) these days... That is also gonna kick some serious ass!!!!
Here's some reference work (The deadly T-TENS speed bike sisterhood, intent on bringing down the Go Turbos in Part 2 of the Turbo Drome saga) I did for my buddy Ben Newman who has just started work on the new book's cover B...
Don't miss part 2!! It'll kick so much ass and I truly believe that the work I am doing for this next masterpiece to be my all time best work ever ever!!! True story!!! Few details HERE!!!
Ok gotto run again but I should have a few tats for you soon!
this is legit
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