This is what Pow ended up with after 3hours worth!

Next session in 4 weeks! Some colour, for sure... And maybe we even finish it! Oh and Noodles promised she would come over wearing her "space noodle" leggings too so you can definitely expect shots of that too, next month!! All of these wonderful things, only on the Electric Plog!!!
More Ploggables asap!!!
In progress shots and random other workings seem to be regularly updated on this new crazy thing called... "The Instagrams" check it out if you're game: @ephk
It's been real!

wow I'm waaay behind in the blogiverse. The effect of only being online on your phone for a while. Anyway awesome redbox...talking about the newest... awesome doodles and stuff and stuff and wait...what is this? Could it be that there soon would be more goodies for the already famous, although not exsisting tumblr, fuckyeahsnacknoodlesandshinypants???
Love ya
...that last comment wasn't from was from me but I guess I was signed in on her profile since it's on her computer..
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