Well that, or you just got bored on the web and stumbled on this page... Either way, you'll be happy to know I'm still honouring my comic engagement and have once again managed a few pages for your RED BOX reading needs!! Also I'm introducing double pages this week! I'm thinking if I ever print this, they'd just flip out! So yeah the next page after page 15 will also be a double! Anyways... I'm also gonna work on a new system to get to start from Page 1 without having to find the others and such! As soon as I get a second I'll be figuring out something for that!!
Also... I've been doing my very best to keep the story open but I can't lie... I'm starting to see where this can possibly go! I'll see how the story tells itself slowly but there are definitely some very interesting developments coming your way and I am ready to bet you'll all get hooked by the end of this month!!! Yep!!! Anyways... here's this week's daily dose of the RED BOX >>>


PAGE 15+

For now... To start from PAGE 1, look for the before last widget on the left side bar and follow the posts!!
Ok got to go... M M More still more tomorrow!!!!
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