Just got off the plain and right back to work!! Finished an epic brand new "one-shot" late last night and was gonna start this marathon of tattoo awesomeness posting today but it seems something between my digi-camera and my memory card has decided otherwise! Terribly bad timing if my camera just died, that's for sure!! I'll need some further investigation in the hours to come!
I was just on my way back to the shop for another tat-a-magic day but before I leave... Here is your long awaited weekly dose of the [RED BOX] !!



Apart from that... It's cold, raining and windy but it's nice to see my crew again!!!
Keep it real out there and if you happen to be in the general Copenhagen area during the next 5 weeks... Drop by with some coffee* for a chat!!
*Double espresso black/black thanks!
Good to hear you're alive and well buddy! I think you must've sent a little Scandinavia our way coz the temp's dropped to freakin' 12 degrees today! Brrr. Saw a sweet building that I told Amalie to show you and will look some more tomorrow with Mr. Kelly.
p.s. No Cracker sightings in PEUW or PELE lately... must've left with you? ;)
Liking the red box sir! London is freaking cold! I want to go back to S.America please! Stay warm! Hasta!
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