Now please accept my most sincere apologies but my real difgi-camera has been fuckin' up again lately so I am left with none other than my little S95 to take pictures of the day's doings! A great little gadget that's great for taking pictures of anything except tattoos! It truly sucks for tattoos! In fact if you are a tattoo artist out there and you're thinking of getting one of these compact little marvels in the hopes of taking easy tat-shots with it, DON'T!!!
I can not stress enough the fact that this piece looked so much much much better than these shitty pictures try to show! I'm just bummed cuz I'll most probably never see this piece again and those are the best shots I could get of this epic "one-shot" !!!
No seriously!!! This piece is epic in real life!!
Anyways... Forgive my ranting and have a look for yourselves, just keep in mind this is but a very pale copy!

More tomorrow!!!!
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