The later which will open in a few hours !! Go check it out when you get a second and let me know what you think !! It's not perfect but I'll fix it up as I go along !! Will be posting new originals from this year in the weeks to come !!
Also >>>>> By popular demand !! Here's a bit of a snack ! A sandwich and a cupcake and shit loads of espresso for the damsels in the bellow post !!! It's true ... They kinda look malnourished !! But you know ... This star growing business is a full time job and obviously leaves very little time for things like ... Eating ! Still ... Here's a little something for their next break !

Now off to the other blog to make it all pretty and stuff !! Should be all done in about an hour or so ! In the mean time , for all my Dutch homies out there ... Hope ya had a very happy Queen's day in many different shades of orange !!
this mut be your april fools joke... queen's day is the 30th of april (c:
Ah, i feel much better knowing that the gals have eaten a proper meal!
eat more meeeeeeeeeat !!!
... it makes ju smaaaart !
glad the box of goodies arrived safe n sound. dont forget to brush those teeth young man! and dont forget, we know where u live!
Island up north eh?
The world
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