A bunch of stuff to Plog about today , that's for sure !! Let's see now ... Where to start ...

Secondly in the news today !! The dates of the U.S. trip with Mr. Jesse Smith for this Summer have changed a bit !! Had to cut back a bit , squeeze and tighten and downsize a tad bit !! But now the dates are official I swear !!!! We bought the plane tickets and all and it's solid done and done !! So ... With my many apologies to the lovely people of the state of Florida (Who have the world's absolute best oranges ever by far !! And I know what I'm talking about here) , here are the new and official official dates !!
SAN DIEGO ,CA - July 20th -21st - Guest spot at Fivetwo
SAN DIEGO ,CA - July 23rd -24th - Crashing the SDComicon
SAN DIEGO ,CA - July 27th -29th - Guest spot at Fivetwo again
LOS ANGELES ,CA - August -1st -2nd - Guest spot somewhere (To be determined later)
SAN FRANCISCO ,CA - August -5th -6th - Guest spot somewhere (To be determined later)
SAN FRANCISCO ,CA - August -10th -11th - Guest spot somewhere (To be determined later)
RICHMOND ,VA - August - 15th -16th - Guest spot at the Ghostprint gallery
There ya go !! Still not booking any of these before May 25th but if you have any questions please enquire at : pick@electricpick.com !!
Also in the news of today !!! I just found out that my NAmerican bearded homie of the south Pacific coast , Doctor Adam "Honkey kong" Hathorn has finally figured out that there's no way like the blog way !! Check it out and enjoy !! He rocks !!

And finally ... I was tempted to write a bit of a politico-rant about Denmark's Prime minister , Mr. A to the F to the R ( 2nd in rank after the Queen , Denmark being a Kingdom but still being #1 in charge in the real world ) ditching his job in midterm for a better one with the N to the A to the TO ! Even though I def. did not vote for him , it still brings a new question to ask the dude you're thinking of voting for in your next super elections !! "If I vote for you , will you stay and do the job or leave in the middle of it as soon as you find an other one with a better pay ?" But enough of this nonsense ... The world's attention should be on the worlds s.u.v.-limo-motorcade-driving and huge-mega-private-plane-flying leaders of the most fortunate countries being hard at work trying to find out how the lesser fortunate countries should spend less and tighten their budget for the next few years !! Let's see what they come up with !!
And finally to end this endless politico-rant ... My darling brought me a big batch of sweet sweet homemade chocolate cookies today and I would have posted a picture of them ! You know ... With a robot eating them or something ! But I finished them all while I was ranting so ... No cookie picture !
Stay safe and Plog ya tomorrow with some mega city sleeve action !
1 comment:
I'll change the dates on myspace monday, we're leaving for Akita now.
And also, monday you'll get some only for Nick news, promise!
And hey, let crazy-eyes Fogh leave for his actual dream-job, that way we at least don't have to deal with him anymore.
Now, if he'd just for once do the right thing and let us vote for the new guy/gal, instead of him just appointing his chubby henchman!
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