Tat- Tat- Tatted the day away !!

Today's buddy came right down from Oslo on the train (that's like a million hours) and got some sweet sweet colour on his horror Island BBQ half !! All day we both wondered how these two were gonna make it out of this one alive !! And I'm quite sorry to say ... We haven't the faintest idea !! I truly think this is it !! The end of their many adventures !! However , the piece itself has a few more sessions to go !! 2 I think ! If my Norwegian friend can pull more sessions like the one he did today ... One and a half session should be more than enough to finish this one !! What's that you ask ? How long did he last ? Did he manage to make it to the so wonderful and dreamed about title of Trooper ?? He did !! Good job , mate ! A new name makes it to the club !! Here it is ... In magna supra colour !! Cuz nothing's too good for you !!

Blub bluubl bloob ... (sound of the cauldron) !!
Stay tuned for more adventures tomorrow as I get right back on my book making business and will eventually need a brake at some point in the day and most probably doodle something and post it later !!!
sweet, great colors
I love you dragon!... i know you got my six in the heat of combat and stalker control..
hey stranger, that package i sent should arrive any day now so lemme know when u get it. INTERNATIONAL PAN ATLANTIC GUMMIES!
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