Dammit !! Had forgotten all about the stores that close at 5 and the ones that close all together cuz they're on vacation for two weeks and the banks that don't take money and don't have ATMs and the restaurants that only do takeout and the stores that don't have what you want and wont order it for you cuz it's too much trouble !! Don't get me wrong ... I'm still happy to be here , just that it's gonna take some getting use to ! Got quite comfortable with the Hong Kong ways over the last half year and had completely forgotten all about the Copenhagentownian ways !
Tomorrow ? Maybe some Alternate parallel universe special under cover super secret tattooing ... Just maybe ! But don't tell anyone ... It's secret !
Sounds like the Copenhagentown I'm leaving behind for... Hong Kong... My take on Copenhagen (a bit more harsh): http://appreciatethepotholes.blogspot.com/
...and the tattoo shop that doesn't open till 3 or 4....
hahaha...maybe when u get back to hk,u'll have to get used to the busy life again
Yeah, we open at 12 pm, fyi.
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