Looking back at the sketchbook lately , I realized there was a few pages left behind ! Pages with doodles I had almost finished but left for later to finish finish and just never got the time to go back to !! Here's one of my favourite pages from Vientiane , doodled on my last trip over to Lao , back in April ! Just a few lines were missing so ... I just finished them ! I love this one ... Pretty much almost exactly that street corner ! I never usually draw in front of anything but rather look at it real good and then doodle it later ! Makes it pretty impossible to make an exact scene but pretty damn close ! It's a great visual memory exercise and anyways , the reason I draw is not to reproduce what I see but how I see it ! Hope you like !
Rock !
Love it!
" saudade !!! " qui veut dire " nostalgie " en Brésilien, c'est le nom de ta maladie, gros problème pour toi car il n'y a as pas de cure, bon courage and keep drawing it's beautiful !!!
Thats insane, buddy.
that's great! The colours in it are beautiful,the way it fades from orange/pink through blue/green to yellow...superb!
I can almost smell the Mekong (and 'touch' the humidity) just by looking at this page! Lovely!
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