The day's ploggables y'all >>>>
A few days of all day doodle action have been very welcomed so far! A few more to go and it feels great! I like to think that one day, perhaps, I'd be able to just do that! Out of everything I do… Just painting all day has to be by far my favorite thing to do and the one thing I could never give up! In fact I'd give up everything else if I could just doodle all day forever!!! True story! But gladly for you… I'm not there yet! And talking about being not there yet… Still have a few spots in December in wonderful Hong Kong!! Cuz if no one wants these few extra days they're gonna turn into doodle days really quick!!
Apart from that… I'm meeting a new and possibly awesome printer man tomorrow, maybe even the new EPHK printing master wizard, who knows? I have a lot of things to talk to him about but if I know one good way to put a probable future printing wizard to the test, it's to get something printed!!! That's right and I'm not pulling any punches either!! Just in time for christmas… I'm making a batch of prints for ya! Now check this out… This is a bit of a test! I won't settle for anything short of pure awesomeness when it comes to the finished product but I've decided to change the way I do prints! And it's been so long too! So I'll blog more about it tomorrow but expect a sweet set of awesome yet very affordable (true story) beautiful prints! They will be super limited and hand signed and numbered and stuff and stuff as usual and a bigger format too! A2! But like I said… Tomorrow I explain and give all the details!!
And in other news of the day… Here is a bit of awesomeness from the northern viking desolate barren lands of Denmarkia!!

More tomorrow!
Stay shiny!
I love the composition!!
I love that you have a label called fuckyeahsnacknoodlesandshinypants! You need to bring a few packs to Copenhagen, so we can keep up the very important and good work!
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