Been busy! As usual... Lots is happening these days and it's getting pretty intense too but I managed to find a few seconds to post this for you!!
I'd just like to let you know however that you have just barely escaped an endless politico-rant post of mine! I was gonna rant and rant away about what's going on in Europe recently but ... Now I'm tired and I guess it'll just have to wait! So lucky you! No rants for you today! Just last week's week's doings for your visual pleasures! Rest assured however, the rantings are a coming!!
Previous doings, here we go! How about a "market" metaphor this time? You bet!! This sweet little miss is ridding the bull indeed! Ahhh the good times! Rest assured however this is a two piece set and the bear is coming! Part two in a few weeks ... Until then, enjoy this new favourite of mine!! Forgot about the free-hand marker sketchings but I'm sure most of you can figure it out by now! Here's what this sweet "one-shot" looked like at the end of the day >>>

Part 2 (the bear) next inline!!
Hong Kong style... This is how we do it over here!!
Time is money!

Stay awesome!
More tomorrow!!!
Painful but worth every bit
you Rock Nick!
Sickening Nickster!! I think its time for me to start booking flights by now...
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