I know I know ... I should go to bed but if I go to bed too soon , I'll be back up at like 1 am and well that's just retarded when you live in a town that has a very strict schedule ! So decided to try and last a bit longer . Not much just a bit more longer . Am really feeling it though . I use to do this skipping a night thing almost every week way back in the day ! Tattoo all day , draw all night and back at tattoo work the next day and could barely feel it at all ! Nowadays ... Not so tough I'm afraid . Must be getting old ... I feel like a zombie . Anyways ... Enough self pity , but since I'm trying to stay up a bit longer , thought I could start catching up a bit on the week's Ploggables >>>
Talking about zombies ... Here's last Monday's undead tat-session !
All the way from Ã…lborg (Olbo) , Mr. Buddy came up to the capital to continue downwards from the voodoo half (4th from the top) I had finished just before leaving for HK , last year . I'm however afraid that this time , it seems as though I might have completely forgotten to take a picture of the Red and Black marker lines , Allan's favourite part indeed ... It happens !
Goat headed zombie kings , dirty voodoo undead rituals and a party of boy scouts stuck , I'm afraid , at the wrong place at the wrong time ! Here's what that looked like on Monday night , at the end of a lines & black session >>>>

Colours in not so long .
More catching up tomorrow !!! Cool tats too !
P.s. Yep , that there voodoo symbols is indeed some reel life voodoo symbols ! True story !
haha, this is cool Nick !!!
i luv zombies !
Alphaville !?!?
it's already damn cool even tho juz with black tone....really cool...busy man=)
nice work boss...
Speaking of came out of nowhere... I spotted one of your tattoos in an old picture from the Saipan convention!
I had seen the picture a hundred times, and all of a sudden it blew my mind.
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