
All the way up ...

... And then just a bit higher !

From 5 second-50 floor elevator rides to double decker trams and Octopus cards that work and half kilometer high buildings ( 498 m ) and 6 floor malls full of the most obscure toys and comics !! ... I'm still having the best time ever !!! This place is still on top of the awesome list !! Here's a few shots from yesterday ...

Oh ! And Monday is ........ TOY FAIR day !!!!! Yah ! I know !!! A toy fair in HK , to me , is like what it must be like discovering a secret banana-split city under your bed , to a fat kid !!!!

Off to see a DP show ( David and Pete ! ( Stoner metal )) ...

I miss my Pistolina ! ... PT-11

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You put the H and O and T and T and E and S and T in "excited toy fair day of the globals worldwide cuteness in monkeyd professorbuttgrabbing". You're so hot when you're stoked on Hong Kongian obscure stuff! Like really, really hottest ever.